Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996
In accordance with 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements, found in §200.501(a), audit requirements for Federal awards, non-federal entities that expend $750,000.00 or more in federal awards from all federal funding sources during their fiscal year, must agree to have a Single Audit Conducted in accordance with §200.514 Scope of Audit. Further, §200.512 requires that the final report for such audit be completed within nine (9) months of the entity's fiscal year end.
Your entity's Chief Financial Officer, or other official authorized to certify financial documents, must certify whether or not your organization is subject to the Single Audit requirement according to the above citations by completing the information below, checking the appropriate boxes in Sections A and B, and signing and dating the form.
Submission of this form prior to the fiscal year end is permitted; however, if unanticipated Federal funding is received by your entity, bringing the expended amount of federal funding above $750,000.00, you must submit a revised Audit Certification Form and include the Single Audit report.