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About Training, Exercise & Development Services

NH Division of Homeland Security Training, Exercise and Development Section is available to assist with any or all of the following:

  • Planning
  • Grant Guidance
  • Writing
  • Facilitating
  • Controlling
  • Photography/Videography
  • Evaluating
  • After Action Reports
  • Improvement Plans
  • Logistics
  • Facilities
  • Equipment

The Agency/ Municipality hosting the event will determine the level of involvement requested from NH HSEM. Exercise & Training Staff are available to assist with all exercises and most training events; whether or not grant funding is requested.

Equipment Request

The Training & Exercise Unit has a variety of equipment that can be utilized to support locally run training and exercise events.  To request equipment please complete this form.


The New Hampshire Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management’s Training, Exercise and Development Section will work with you, your agency/department, your community, and stakeholders to help determine the appropriate exercise(s) to accomplish your goals and evaluate your plans, policies and/or procedures. NH HSEM employs a capability-based approach to exercise design and execution.  Contact us today …
