Event/Training Registration

MGT-346 EOC Operations and Planning for All-Hazards Events


This course provides personnel who could be assigned to or work in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) the skills necessary to effectively plan for and manage a large-scale incident by applying and implementing an all-hazards, multi-disciplinary, management team approach. The course places specific emphasis on the planning, resource, and information management processes. The course focuses on the key decision-making requirements within the Emergency Operations Center. The jurisdictional team will learn from the effects of incident decisions while working in an EOC using a simulated, notional jurisdiction as they respond to the final day’s exercise. The course is delivered in your jurisdiction. The instructional team consists of coaches and mentors experienced in emergency management and incident response. The course uses a multi-discipline, jurisdictional approach to accomplish the course objectives. The course adapts existing incident management systems, best practices, and procedures to the unique requirements of responding to all-hazards incident.

Price: $0.00

Start Time: 8:00 am
End Time: 5:00 pm

Start Date: May 6, 2025
End Date: May 7, 2025

NH Fire Academy - Dorm Classrooms 5, 6, 7
98 Smokey Bear Blvd - Dorm Classrooms 5, 6, 7
Concord, NH
Map and Directions

Registration Details