Event/Training Registration

HSEEP L0146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation - Concord


Exercises are a key component of national preparedness — they provide the whole community with the opportunity to shape planning, assess and validate capabilities, and address areas for improvement. HSEEP provides a set of guiding principles for exercise and evaluation programs, as well as a common approach to exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.

Through the use of HSEEP, the whole community can develop, execute, and evaluate exercises that address the preparedness priorities. These priorities are informed by risk and capability assessments, findings, corrective actions from previous events, and external requirements.  These priorities guide the overall direction of an exercise program and the design and development of individual exercises.

These priorities guide planners as they identify exercise objectives and align them to capabilities for evaluation during the exercise. Exercise evaluation assesses the ability to meet exercise objectives and capabilities by documenting strengths, areas for improvement, capability performance, and corrective actions in an After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP). Through improvement planning, organizations take the corrective actions needed to improve plans, build and sustain capabilities, and maintain readiness.

The target audience for this course is emergency management personnel, public safety personnel and personnel with primary exercise development roles and responsibilities and their supervisors; which includes those with planning, budget management, design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning of exercises. This includes the following roles at all levels of local, state, tribal or the Federal government:

• Senior and Elected Officials
• Exercise Program Managers
• Exercise Director
• Exercise Planning Team Members
• Exercise Controllers and Facilitators

Prerequisite: IS-120C Introduction to Exercises

Recommended: IS-0130: Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning

Price: $0.00

Start Time: 8:00 am
End Time: 4:00 pm

Start Date: September 3, 2024
End Date: September 4, 2024

NH Fire Academy - Dorm Classrooms 5 and 6
98 Smokey Bear Blvd
Concord, NH
United States
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Registration Details