Exploring Heat Islands…They Are Not Surrounded by Water

Have you ever wondered why it seems so much hotter in  Boston, New York, or any big city? Wonder no more – the answer is the “urban heat island effect.”

The heat island affect can be found in areas that are dense with buildings and paved surfaces (roads and sidewalks) that absorb the sun’s heat. This causes the area to be several degrees warmer than surrounding areas.

Some factors that contribute to this are:

  • Paved surfaces absorb solar radiation as heat.
  • Dark surfaces such as dark colored roofs and blacktop absorb more heat
  • Very little vegetation
  • Waste heat being pumped out of buildings
  • Changing climate

What Is the Solution?

Building owners and managers can take steps to offset the phenomenon. Continue reading “Exploring Heat Islands…They Are Not Surrounded by Water”

Broken Appliance? NH Saves to the Rescue!

Do you know about NH Saves? It’s a great resource for homeowners. NH Saves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities collaborating to bring NH customers information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs, and protect our environment statewide.

They have many tips, rebates and other incentives to help you. For instance, if your washer or dryer suddenly dies, NH Saves will save your day. They will provide you with a rebate for a new Energy Star rated machine – up $200 rebate after purchase for dryers and up to $50 for washers. Check this out and many other opportunities here.  While you are there scroll through all of the other savings they offer.